
New Year’s Eve Weather Forecast

Whatever your plans for New Year's Eve, you'll want to know the weather! Here's what we're forecasting.

New Year’s Eve is one of the most festive nights of the year. Will it rain or snow this year? Plan ahead with our New Year’s Eve weather report! Here’s a look at what we’re predicting for your region for Thursday, December 28—Sunday, December 31, 2024. Join our Newsletter to get seasonal forecasts in your inbox!


Zone 1 – Northeast & New England

New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C.

Year ends on a blustery, colder note, with frequent snow showers.

A snowy field to represent possible weather new year's eve.

Zone 2 – Great Lakes, Ohio Valley & Midwest

Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin

Cold, dry end to 2024.

Zone 3 – Southeast

Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida

Blustery, cold winds diminish under a mix of clouds and sun.

Zone 4 – North Central

Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana

Moisture and energy from Pacific NW brings a renewed threat of snow.

Zone 5 – South Central

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico

More rain and wet snow as the year comes to a close.

Zone 6 – Northwest

Washington, Oregon, Idaho

More moisture hits Pacific NW, heads east.

Zone 7 – Southwest

California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona

Dry, chilly end to 2024.


Zone 1

Newfoundland, Labrador

More showers of rain and wet snow.

Zone 2

Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec

The year ends on a blustery and colder note, with frequent snow showers and flurries.

Zone 3


Cold and dry end to 2024.

Zone 4

Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan

Moisture and energy from BC brings a renewed threat of snow as 2024 comes to an end.

Zone 5

British Columbia

Another slug of moisture and energy hits the Pacific Coast and heads east.

Happy Holidays! We hope whatever the weather brings you enjoy some time with family and friends!

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Vivian Stewart

Will Oklahoma see snow

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