Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan

Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan Long Range Weather Forecast for November 2nd to December 1st

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November 2024
  • 1st - 3rd
    Unsettled, with rain and (over higher terrain areas) snow over the Rockies.
  • 4th - 7th
    Rain from the Prairies spreads east, then turning clear and frosty.
  • 8th - 11th
    Storm from British Columbia moves toward the Rockies and Prairies, then continues east. Heavy snows near and along the storm track (30-60 cm). Then clearing skies and very cold air pushes in behind the retreating storm.
  • 12th - 15th
    Partly cloudy and unseasonably cold.
  • 16th - 19th
    A fast-moving storm from BC brings more snow.
  • 20th - 23rd
    Conflict of very warm air from the Gulf of Mexico and cold air from the north brings rain and even thunderstorms, especially for the Rockies.
  • 24th - 27th
    Dry weather with cold winds from the Rockies into the Prairies.
  • 28th - 30th
    Rain and snow increase in coverage, then very cold air sweeps south.

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green corn field in agricultural garden and light shines sunset

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